
A neighbourhood born out of the history of the supermarket chain Irma and built on strong values of responsibility, respect for each other, community and quality.
2610 Rødovre, Municipality of Rødovre
Construction years
135,000 m2
Approximately 1000 terraced houses and apartments (owner-occupied, rental and cooperative)
Partners on masterplan
Gröning Arkitekter
"This is my neighborhood – this is where I live."
Resident in IrmaByen

Welcome to IrmaByen. A neighbourhood born out of the history of the supermarket chain Irma and built on strong values ​​of responsibility, respect, community and quality. Today – a safe and vibrant base for over 3,000 people who have found their home in the neighbourhood’s owner-occupied, cooperative and rental residences. A small community with strong solidarity and a living history.

Over a decade, ALFA Development transformed the old industrial site where Irma used to have its headquarters and coffee roasting plant, with sensitivity and respect for the history of the site, and with the vision of creating a modern neighbourhood for modern people. IrmaByen has diverse housing options to accommodate different generations, including terraced houses, apartment buildings and detached houses. The neighbourhood included a variety of architectural expressions, sustainable materials and high-quality construction, focusing on natural light and a sense of spaciousness both indoors and outdoors, squares and green oases. IrmaByen has unique solidarity and a strong local identity closely connected to the rest of Rødovre and the neighbouring capital, Copenhagen.

In many ways, we regard IrmaByen as our apprenticeship piece. We really made huge efforts, and fortunately, we succeeded in creating a vibrant and green neighbourhood with a proud common identity. The residents enjoy living here and IrmaByen as a whole has become a great asset to the Municipality of Rødovre.
Ludvig Find, co-founder and -owner of ALFA Development

The atmosphere varies in IrmaByen: from the retirement units in Orangerihaven with red tiled roofs and classic architecture to Kaffetårnet and Børge Olsens Plads just fifty metres away. Here, the buildings become larger with more stringent architecture, balconies, natural light, urban atmosphere and a higher pace. From village to urban atmosphere. From terraced and cluster houses to multi-storey buildings. From denser development to airy green spaces and urban squares. Vibrant versatility within just a few square metres.

As in all our development projects, we started with the basic questions: Who would like to live here? And what would we value if we were to live here ourselves? These questions guided us throughout the development process.

Today, IrmaByen is fully developed. A prime example of a successful urban development. A lively neighbourhood for all age groups. A place where people settle and feel they belong.

Mand og kvinde på sidder på gårdsplads i Orangeihaven
Gårdplads med grønnetræer imellem Mokkahusene
Grønne stier og gadekær foran terrassehavens etageejendom
altaner og beplantning foran Espeporten
Living by alfa_1

Strong community

As residents in a new neighbourhood, everyone feels the need to belong. To engage with other people to create a community. To know the neighbours and help each other. It creates safety, meaning and joy.

IrmaByen is designed to foster a community and for residents to meet – indoors and outdoors. This applies to the entire neighbourhood, and not least to the newest development, Living by ALFA. The heart of IrmaByen with shops, a restaurant and take-away. A natural meeting place for the neighbourhood’s residents.

Learn more about
Living by ALFA IrmaByen


Plenty of life from the start

Olea take away_2

A new neighbourhood requires more than just buildings and urban spaces. The buildings constitute the setting – the environment is created by people, their lives and movements, their interactions and play.

A new neighbourhood needs a kickstart, so residents quickly feel at home. In IrmaByen, we set up a think tank that came up with ideas to create an active urban life from the beginning. With specialists in architecture, urban planning, media and culture, life emerged between the buildings: Exercise days, summer parties, Christmas tree lighting, carnival, jazz in the garden, and much more.

However, professionals were not alone in giving their input. Children and young people contributed too. Through several workshops, they provided inspiration for ways of making the neighbourhood lively and interesting to them.

In IrmaByen, art contributes to creating identity and cohesion. The renowned Irish sculptor Sean McKenna visited the neighbourhood to gather inspiration to tie together the past and the present.

As the former supermarket chain Irma produced its famous coffee here, ‘Irma coffee’ became the theme, and giant wooden coffee beans, placed around the area, became the manifestation. The beans serve as art, benches and fitness equipment. A recurring element in the area and a daily reminder of its history.

Kaffetårnet i Irmabyen

A green neighbourhood

Den grønne kile i Irmabyen

The park area, Den Grønne Kile, winds through the neighbourhood. In the city park, residents and visitors can take a walk and find peace. Wild grassy areas, flowers, trees and a rainwater basin provide nature experiences for people and create habitats for wildlife.

Closer to the housing units, different squares create outdoor meeting places. A spacious wooden patio is a natural gathering point for the residents of IrmaByen, whether for a barbecue evening or just a cozy chat. For children and active souls, there is a playground and a multi-purpose court for play and activity.

Den Grønne Kile


Cirkelpladsen has its own story as the neighbourhood’s focal point and meeting place. Surrounded by trees, giving the impression of a beautiful, living roof, the square provides space for concerts and other activities on several levels. The square also functions as a stormwater basin during cloudbursts.



Irma takes over the site and establishes its headquarters, 135,000 square metres of offices and production halls with the 38-metre Kaffetårn as the centrepiece and landmark.
Irma pigen
The supermarket chain Irma moves from the area as the organization integrates with Coop and the headquarters moves to Albertslund.
IrmaByen Før nedrivning
ALFA Development buys the site and presents the municipality with a comprehensive master plan with respect for history and visions for the future.
Tænke Tank
Rødovre's municipal council unanimously approves the local plan for IrmaByen.
Første spadestik
After demolition of most existing buildings, the first ground is broken for the first homes. Many of the old materials are reused, for example in the roads in the new neighbourhood.
Asfaltering i Irmabyen
The construction site is bustling with life, and the first three projects are handed over to the future residents. 61 terraced houses in 'Orangerihaven' and 'Espehaven' and 128 apartments in 'Terrassehaven'.
Udehus og grønne hække i Orangeihaven
Nærbillede af altaner of tagterrasser på i Terrassehaven
The projects 'Mokkahusene', 'Skiferhusene', 'Udsigtsparken' and 'Baristarækkerne' welcome their new residents. The neighbourhood is attractive, and there is a strong demand for the newly built homes.
Gårdplads med grønnetræer imellem Mokkahusene
Grønt miljø og altaner i udsigtsparken
Tagterrasserne på baristarækkerne
98 apartments in 'Parkkanten' and 44 cooperative apartments in 'Stempelhusene' are ready for their new owners.
Himlen ses imellen to bygning
Nærbillede af muredetaljer i Stempelhusenes fasade
The park area ‘Den Grønne Kile’ takes shape as a green trail through the neighbourhood.
Den grønne kile og kaffetårnet i baggrunden
Kilen i Irmabyen
The last residents of the neighbourhood move into Living by ALFA. The district is now complete with more than 1,000 homes, shops, a restaurant, playgrounds and green spaces.

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